Saturday, May 30, 2020

Israels Oldest Daily Newspaper Disappoints Job Seekers

Israel's Oldest Daily Newspaper Disappoints Job Seekers 2 Ha'aretz has kept Israelis informed since 1918. Almost 90 years later, their websites give you job news but not much else to help you find jobs in Israel. English or Hebrew? Ha'aretz's English language website can be found at Ha' There's a Business section that contains the occasional article about the Israeli job market but is otherwise much more focused on run of the mill economic news. Ha'aretz's Hebrew language website is at Ha' Unlike the English site, there's no Business section. Instead you're given links to TheMarker's website, another member of the Ha'aretz Group. What is TheMarker? TheMarker is arguably Israel's leading Hebrew business magazine.eval Although TheMarker's homepage seems to be overloaded with more flashing ads than Times Square, there are some interesting links for Israeli job seekers: Salary comparison charts by industry e.g. hitech, sales, etc. Calculators to help you compare gross salary (bruto) vs. take-home pay (neto), unemployment insurance payouts, etc. TheMarker also has a dedicated section for careerists and job seekers called Kariera (× §Ã— ¨Ã—™×™× ¨Ã—”).eval Kariera is somewhat useful and I'm being nice. In addition to the charts and calculators above, there are also some resources sprinkled among the job market news articles: In the left sidebar is a small form to search for job listings on the Hitechjob job board (there's also a link to that site from TheMarker's difficult-to-read footer links) Also on the left are links to search results on the Israeli Yellow Pages (ד× ¤Ã—â„¢ ×â€"הב) website to help you find placement agencies, career coaches, etc. A link to Luach Ha'ir, another job board from the Ha'aretz Group. An rss feed if you'd like to receive Kariera's articles in your feed reader. Finally and of course, there's the Ha'aretz Group's own want-ads. What's not to like? Not enough innovation. Someone at TheMarker probably thinks that an RSS feed means they have a state-of-the-art website. I'd like to at least see some personalization. Too many ads. TheMarker's pages are constantly flashing, blinking and annoying to the point where they're just stressful on the eyes. Almost as bad is the fact that if you leave a page untouched for long enough, it will reload with a big ad for a few seconds before returning to where you were. Everyone has to pay the bills but it doesn't need to be so painful. Lack of English! As bad as the situation is for Hebrew readers, there's almost nothing of interest for English job seekers. Wrap Up Ha'aretz has the news and may have information you need, but until they find better ways to get it to you over the Internet, continue your online Israeli job search elsewhere. On top of the news?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Why Resume Writing Services Are Vital For Career Success

Why Resume Writing Services Are Vital For Career SuccessUsing resume writing services at Sac, CA is advantageous for those looking to secure a job. The services provided by these experts will help you in your career development, build strong academic and personal credibility, and ensure you obtain the ideal opportunities. All these can be done with care and attention, all in an organized manner.Job seekers from a range of backgrounds are drawn to the Sac, CA job and there are many career prospects available, from entry level to upper management positions. Positions include, administrative assistant, receptionist, and many more. Various companies are attracted to the location and the opportunities that are present. Ensuring that your resume is well prepared, well presented, and based on solid knowledge, is essential for obtaining good opportunities.Employers who need a list of resumes that are to be evaluated for potential hiring, will call on resume writing services at Sac, CA. The r esumes can be either original or modified. In case you are providing the resumes, it would be wise to provide a resume and cover letter of your own. When giving a resume to a company, it is a good idea to personalize it. Include a reference sheet, a phone number, and any other pertinent information.To save time, companies have companies that carry out this process in Sac, CA. These professionals at Sac, CA will get started immediately. They will begin with the initial screening, and the resulting data will be used to formulate the job posting. It is necessary to tailor the resume according to the particular needs of the company.Companies who need resumes to be created for the purpose of training can select professional resume writing services at Sac, CA. They can create a course specific resume. After reviewing the resumes, it is possible to place orders with the professionals who are capable of carrying out the task well. The entire resume writing services can be obtained from expe rts at Sac, CA. Whether they are looking to get resumes written for their employees, for job vacancies, or simply to gain awareness about the company, the resume service providers are available and ready to help. An experienced resume writing expert will guide the client through the entire process, ensuring that you are satisfied.If you are looking to keep in touch with current employers, career advisers from Sac, CA can give you all the tools that you need to do so. The individual experts at Sac, CA can provide career advice and guide you on the path towards success. It is essential to keep a clear picture of what is required to succeed in a career.Resume writing services are readily available. You can contact them right away to start off the process. It is important to be able to establish what is required for a successful career. With expert help and guidance, you will be well on your way to achieving success.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why Downtime Is As Important As Work Time

Why Downtime Is As Important As Work Time Stress is a normal part of everyday life, but it doesn’t have to be a constant. It’s important to devote some time to downtime and relaxation, the same way it’s important to devote time to work. After all, all work and no play makes Jack (or Jill) a dull boy. Unfortunately, one of the big problems with stress is that the things that cause the stress also take up a lot of time. That often means you don’t have time to spend on leisure pursuits. That doesn’t have to be the case. Even if you can only carve out a few minutes here and there, that’s still plenty of time to take a load off and relax. It all depends on how you do it. When You Only Have Five to Ten Minutes of Downtime Five minutes might seem like the blink of an eye, but it’s actually a decent amount of time to get in a little relaxation. Try YouTube, or a similar site, and watching a couple of cat or meditation videos. There are actually studies that show that cat videos are good for you, and a great way to relax. If you’re at home, and have a real live cat, try spending a few minutes playing or getting in some quality snuggle time. Cats aren’t the only animals that can help you relax; playing with your dog, or even watching fish swim can also do the trick. When you Have Fifteen to Thirty Minutes Try getting away from your desk and taking a short walk. Wear a tracking device, like a Fitbit, to motivate you to get your steps in each day. Studies show that even short walks are good for your health and mental well-being. It not only gets your blood flowing, and strengthens your leg muscles, it also helps you work off the nervous energy that often accompanies stress. When You Have Up to an Hour Use that time to take a longer walk or take some time to catch up on your favorite TV show. DIRECTV, and other services, have DVRs that let you record your favorite shows, and watch them whenever you want. The great thing is that you can also fast-forward through commercials when you are pressed for time. In addition, try combining services together, for example you can bundle Internet with DIRECTV, so you can watch your favorite shows and your favorite cat videos at one affordable price. When You Have Several Hours Having several hours of downtime is a luxury for most people; so if you find yourself with hours to spare, make the most of them. One of the best options is to spend your time pursuing a hobby that gives you pleasure, such as knitting or bicycling. Another option is to spend time outside of the house doing something you enjoy, such as walking through a museum or seeing a play. If all of your free time is in the morning, you can enjoy sleeping in and having a leisurely breakfast. When You Have a Whole Day Consider making a day trip to a nearby town. Or, if staying in is more your speed, spend the day curled up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good book, or your favorite movies. Treat yourself to a spa day, where you enjoy a glass of champagne while someone else pampers you. The sky’s the limit when you have the whole day free to do whatever you want. Things to Consider Remember that this is your time to do with as you please. Although some of these options suggest participating in activities, you are free to spend your time however you want. The key is to relax. If that means spending the day in bed, binge watching all of the shows in your DVR, then go for it. If it means spending the day running errands, then that’s fine to. So long as you feel relaxed and refreshed at the end of it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The ABCs of Successful Thinking

The ABCs of Successful Thinking The simple truth is that our control over our consciousness determines the quality of our lives as well as our ability to reach our full potential. People who have developed the right mental disciplines make more money, stretch their abilities more than their peers, enjoy higher positions at work, command more respect and form more meaningful professional and personal relationships. Conversely, those who cannot control their thoughts fight inner battles that sabotage their abilities for focused work and clear thought.   Thus, they damage their earning capacity and, until change is recognized, hinder their overall competency, focus and professional progression. Because our inner-monologue is paramount to our ability to succeed at work, it’s important to further analyze the benefits of improved mind control, how thought process affects our ability to lead as well as touch upon workable strategies in order to start cultivating a successful frame of mind. The Benefits of Improved Mind Control It’s hard to overstate the value of changing your thinking.   Only when we are able to filter out self-defeating thoughts (i.e. focusing on what is not possible) can we begin to realize the benefits that are derived from improved mind control. In conjunction with  heightened creativity, awareness and revenue generating potential, the rewards for positive, successful thinking include: Resiliency. Successful thinkers are more likely to transform hopeless situations into challenges to be overcome. Intuition. Those who can control their thought patterns are able to set aside daily distractions and mental clutter and see beyond their own point of view. Learning Capacity.   Controlled thinking allows one to reflect upon and learn from past successes and failures in a nonjudgmental, thus productive manner. Change in Thought Process in Relation to Leadership For managers and aspiring future leaders, controlled thinking propels leadership acumen in numerous ways: Allows a person to see a vision and in a clear, compelling manner convey goals to their subordinates. Allows a person to more successfully and confidently anticipate any upcoming challenges. Allows a person to seize opportunities when the timing is right. Beginning the Transformation All changes in mindset come from the acknowledgement that power to transform your thinking comes from you. Take responsibility. The sooner you learn to take responsibility for the choices you make, the thoughts you have, and the attitudes you embrace, the sooner you can have the life you want. Invest yourself in whatever you do. Often, feelings of boredom, being overwhelmed or allowing negative thinking to filter in our consciousness will make a person detach from daily work duties. Once the individual detaches, they leave themselves open to thoughts that are counterproductive. Beginning to take pride in each and every thing that you do will go a long way to cultivating a mindset conducive to success. Dream one size bigger. By pushing yourself to dream more expansively, to imagine your organization as one size bigger, to make your professional goals at least a step beyond what makes you comfortable, your mental prowess will be forced to grow. Learn continually. Never be satisfied with what you already know. Part of cultivating a successful frame of mind entails consistently meeting new people, learning new skills, reading new books and engaging with others who can do things you cannot. Practice, Repetition and Dedication. It is not enough to know how to cultivate a successful frame of mind. Knowledge is of little benefit without the discipline and unrelenting desire to implement that knowledge. In order to cultivate a thought process that promotes success and fosters achievement, one must practice consistently in the same way that athletes or musicians practice their craft. In the End The truth is that the human mind has enormous untapped potential, and astounding malleability. In order to achieve our goals, it is imperative to learn how to tap into these reserves and leverage them in order to have a better career and more fulfilling personal existence.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Resume Writing Help in Rumson New Jersey

Resume Writing Help in Rumson New JerseyIf you need resume writing help in Rumson New Jersey, there are a number of ways to go about it. Here are some pointers:Firstly, if you are applying for a position that is traditionally filled by an older worker, consider re-reading the old ones in your department. You might find something you didn't realize. For example, there might be a direct correlation between a particular time frame and a career change. If you did something recently to change the outlook in the organization, it is certainly worth re-exploring.When writing your resume, remember that you don't have to go to the trouble of writing an entire section on your skills. There are plenty of other sections you can tackle on. This will help you focus on the key things that employers really care about. Of course, if you do want to spend more time creating a resume, try to have a short story or autobiography to add to the end.One of the first things that any potential employer will che ck off the list is 'Education.' Take the time to check out your education. If you want to make it easier, simply make a note in your calendar when you received your diploma or certificate. If not, write it down so you can put it at the top of your resume.Speaking of resumes, take the time to include the 'actual work experience' portion. This is the section where you will list in detail all of the projects and assignments you have worked on during the last few years. This is the only way you will be able to provide employers with detailed information.The next thing you will want to know about is career skills. Here you will list the skills you have acquired over the past few years, and how they relate to the position. Keep in mind that this section is meant to show what you have learned in college, and not your first six months or year in a certain profession.Next, take a look at your professional qualification and performance. This part of your resume is meant to provide employers w ith a picture of you. Check the credentials and accomplishments on your resume, and keep it as short as possible.When you write your resume, be sure to give yourself enough time to complete it. It's not too difficult, but it does take up a lot of your time. Don't rush through it, though, and ensure you don't miss any deadlines.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Six ways Jack Welch is wrong about what makes a great company - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Six ways Jack Welch is wrong about what makes a great company - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog So Jack Welch is becoming semi-enlightened in his later years. The man who previously promoted firing 10% of your employees every year is getting all soft and cuddly and wants companies to be good workplaces. He even published an article called 6 ways to tell if you work for a great workplace. And he really is starting to get it. Unfortunately, hes not quite there yet. Lets look at where he gets it right and wrong. His first point is that 1: Great companies demonstrate a real commitment to continuous learning. Spot on. Well done, Jack. But then he says that 2: Great companies are meritocracies. Pay and promotions are tightly linked to performance, and rigorous appraisal systems consistently make people aware of where they stand. No. Just, no.?Many great workplaces dont have rigorous appraisal systems. In fact, some great workplaces have been?ruined when they start measuring everything. Just look at why Microsoft abandoned stack ranking: Microsoft has been known as the ur-example of pitting employees against one another in an attempt to reward the excellent and weed out the weak, which gained widespread popularity in the 1980s after then-Chief Executive Jack Welch brought the ranking system to General Electric. The problem is workers generally aren?t thrilled about having to play Game of Thrones at the office. David Auerbach, a former Microsoft employee, recently told Bloomberg Businessweek that the practice had employees feeling helpless and ?encouraged people to backstab their co-workers.? Yes, Jack Welch inspired it. No, it doesnt work. Under point 2 he also writes that People with brains, self-confidence, and competitive spirit are always attracted to such environments. There are a few fundamental mistakes here. First of all, hiring for brains and self-confidence may?land you with a lot of jerks. New York based company Next Jump tried it and found that: we followed a common practice used by the biggest tech companies in the world: to hire brilliant and driven people. But, after two years of heavily investing in this hiring process, concentrating our efforts at the top engineering schools on the east coast, we found ourselves with a small army of brilliant jerks. The culture was toxic. Racial tension, blaming others, total disregard for other people?s opinions and total protection of one?s own ideas and work products. We did a rapid evaluation of all the people we would want to work with vs those we didn?t, and, in one day, we fired half our engineers. [after that] humility became an important trait to screen for in our hiring process. We now interview for 45 minutes on humility. No matter how brilliant and driven a candidate is, if they get a humbs down on humility, we do not hire them. No exceptions. And as for hiring competitive people, there is actually evidence that competing lowers performance. Jack says that 3: Great companies not only allow people to take risks but also celebrate those who do. Excellent, Jack. I agree. The next one is 4: Great companies understand that what is good for society is also good for business. Which is awesome, but then he has to add that They offer flexibility in work schedules to those who earn it with performance. No. Great workplaces offer flexibility to everyone. He also writes that 5: Great companies keep their hiring standards tight. They make candidates work hard to join the ranks by meeting strict criteria that center around intelligence and previous experience. But actually, some of the greatest workplaces I know hire based less on skill and much more on personality and attitude. Look at Southwest Airlines who famously Hire for attitude, train for skill. Or Pret a Manger in the UK, who hire happy people and the teach them what they need to know in the job. And finally he writes that 6: Great companies are profitable and growing. Nope. They can be growing, but they absolutely dont have to be.?Ricardo Semler, the CEO of Semco in Brazil put it like this: There is no correlation between growth and ultimate success. For a while growth seems very glamorous, but the sustainability of growth is so delicate that many of the mid-sized companies which just stayed where they were doing the same thing are much better off today than the ones that went crazy and came back to nothing. There are too many automobile plants, too many airplanes. Who is viable in the airline business? If someone asks me, ?where will you be in 10 years? time??, I haven?t got the slightest idea. I don?t find it perturbing either if we said, ?look, in 10 years? time Semco could have 500 people instead of 3,000 people?; that sounds just as interesting as 21,000 people. I?d hate to see Semco not exist in 10, 20, 50 years? time, but what form it exists in, what business it?s in and what size it is are not particularly relevant. A company certainly has to be profitable in the long run or it wont be around but?I would bet that there is no correlation between the growth rate of a company and how good a workplace it is. Your take What do you think? Is Jack Welch right or wrong? What makes a great workplace in your opinion? Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

In the law game Become an injury solicitor - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

In the law game Become an injury solicitor Some call them ambulance chasers, some view them with suspicion and some associate them with adverts on the telly â€" but personal injury solicitors are the lifeblood of a whole subsection of the law world. And they’re vital to putting people responsible for accidents bang to rights. Whether it’s the local council, a shady employer, a roaring boy racer or someone clumsier than a Harold Lloyd tribute act, solicitors can call them to account. Moreover, let’s quash that ambulance chasing myth once and for all. The average injury solicitor is contacted by a member of the public for representation â€" without them, dodgy workplaces and dangerous members of the public would simply shrug their shoulders and continue their irresponsible actions. If you’re in the law game, becoming a personal injury solicitor could be the key to helping people. But what skills do you need to make an ace attorney? Solicit by degrees Before you can become the suited, booted Don Draper-alike of the personal claims world, you’re going to have to get those study books out. Any lawyer has to obtain a bachelor’s degree after at least three years of study. The process isn’t easy (many students will drop out in their first year), but that long slog is worth it once you’re clutching a degree in your hands. Without several years of study, you’ll never earn your place at the personal injury table. So cram hard and gain the best degree you can. Know the system Every new case has its ins and outs, and the solicitor without knowhow can feel easily daunted. And without proper revision, your knowledge of the law will grow rustier than a 50-year-old bicycle abandoned in a rainstorm. Even those hot shot lawyers you see on the telly have to hit the books every once in a while. Laws change and parameters alter. You have to stay on top of them before you’re losing more cases than a featherweight fighter loses heavyweight boxing matches. To stay at the top of your game, stay abreast of the constant fluctuations of the law. While the foundations of the law will probably never change, those refinements to the process will always exist. Know them and you’ll never feel overwhelmed. Above and beyond (the law) More than most areas of the law, personal injury solicitors have their foot in a number of different employment sectors. And while not essential, understanding the specifics of engineering or pretty much any other sections of the workforce will give you a wellspring of background knowledge to draw from. As soon as you have an accident in an esoteric industry, you’ll be able to make the most of your knowledge â€" and increase your odds of winning a case.